jeudi 12 février 2015

mercredi 22 juin 2011


I just finished a game called Bayonetta. Absolutely amazing game.
For those who know about this game, so far i finished it on Hard with Bayonetta and Normal with Jeanne.
I stopped before the Unlimited Climax to do it with jeanne since she kicks ass and has a rather good sense of fashion with her betty boop style of eyeliner.
The difference in gameplay, is that Bayonetta can dodge up to four times before she trips and makes a short pause. She also triggers the Witch Time if the dodge is successful.
Jeanne can dodge endlessly. But no more Witch Time.

Anyway. I'll just say those words, those that many bayonetta players dread:
"Umbran Tear of Blood 77"

My. God.

I think it doesn't matter what you manage to pull in this game.
The real challenge... is this tear of blood.
I tested many strategies. But no clue how to make it. So if anyone ever managed to make it and know how to, feel free to leave a little post to warn me, even if this message is old.

mercredi 27 avril 2011

Portal 2 (En)

dimanche 10 avril 2011

Abd Al Malik feat Wallen - Mon amour (En+Fr)

My Baby is a hero no matter what he shows
He’s so much better than he knows.
I know he goes to trouble
Fighting in this jungle
From one failure to the next.
When he stares into space
I can see, I can feel his pain
Trying to drag him
So far out far out from me.
Être ou pas un héros, j'ai le courage qu'il faut
Même si la chance me fait défaut.
Regarde comme ça déchire
Nos douleurs, nos désirs (nos douleurs, nos désirs)

Et si tu ne me reconnais pas,
Te reconnais-tu lorsque tu vois ce que nous sommes devenus?
Et si mon image dis "tu ne peux y refletter la tienne"
C’est que l’obscur de ton regard noircit notre lumière.
Alors tous les soirs lorsque je chante «c’est pas moi c’est les autres»
Je me dis que c’est pas si simple que ça de reconnaitre ses fautes.
"Le monde est ainsi fait" n’est ce pas?
Mais peut-il réellement se faire sans nous?
Peut-il réellement se faire sans toi?

My Baby is a hero no matter what he shows
He’s so much better than he knows
I know he goes to trouble
Fighting in this jungle
From one failure to the next
When he stares into space
I can see, I can feel his pain
Trying to drag him
So far out far out from me
Être ou pas un héros, j'ai le courage qu'il faut
Même si la chance me fait défaut
Regarde comme ça déchire
Nos douleurs, nos désirs (nos douleurs, nos désirs)

Et si tu ne te reconnais pas
Comment me reconnaitrais-tu?
C’est vrai ça, qu’est t-il donc advenu
Pour qu’on finisse comme si nous étions étrangers?
On a tellement pris appui sur nos vanités.
Éternellement Adam et Eve nous sommes.
Les coeurs se brisent et lentement s’additionnent.
"Le monde est ainsi fait" n’est-ce pas?
Mais peut-il réellement se faire sans nous?
Peut-il réellement se faire sans toi?

My Baby is a hero no matter what he shows
He’s so much better than he knows
I know he goes to trouble
Fighting in this jungle
From one failure to the next
When he stares into space
I can see, I can feel his pain
Trying to drag him
So far out far out from me
Être ou pas un héros, j'ai le courage qu'il faut
Même si la chance me fait défaut
Regarde comme ça déchire
Nos douleurs, nos désirs (nos douleurs, nos désirs)

mardi 1 mars 2011

mercredi 23 février 2011

mardi 1 février 2011

Freaky just got fabulous (En)

It's prolly out since a while for americans or something, but i just discovered it from a quick commercial i saw on tv.
I fell in love with this thing xD
I tend to be attracted to monsters. Vampires, zombies, werewolves, it just feels like home and makes my awooooooo sense tingle.
The show won't strike with the quality or with the plot. But the concept stole my heart. At first it might look cheap, but just watch one or two episodes and maybe you'll find it as aesthetic as i find it. There's little episodes on youtube, about 2 minutes long, like those that i placed at the end of this post (lucky readers!).
While we talk about quality, the music theme "Monster High fright song" is now my new kick. I find it quite catchy.

So here, i present you Monster High!
The characters are awesome. Frankie is adorable, Cleo is a *****, Laguna is really sweet. Ghoulia - is - fantastic lol xD one of the best char of the show.

Naturally, you'll see me standing for Clawdeen Wolf. Automatically.

Oh and, Sara, i'll let you discover Draculaura. She makes me think about someone for some strange reason but... i just can't remember who...

The characters:

The good, the bat and the fabulous

Truth or scare

Cyrano de Ghoulia

Copy Canine

And if you liked it, a 3 part 20 minutes long episode about how it all started.